Mary Hiller

Hygienist   RDH

Mary Hiller  RDH
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About Me

I am well rounded in the dental field. I began as a dental assistant in 2008 and became a dental hygienist in 2013. I have been married for 20 years to a veteran. We have a dog named Lou Lou, who loves to swim!

Volunteer/Service Experience

North Carolina and Colorado Missions of Mercy, Dental Bus for Kids


You can find us at the lake most weekends. If not, you will find me reading a good book. I also enjoy going to Breckenridge, Colorado, every year for my summer birthday!

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Dental Hygiene, Fayetteville Technical Community College; Fayetteville, NC


Local Anesthesia, Laser, CPR


Schedule with

Mary Hiller  RDH  

Schedule an appointment with us today to discover the difference of advanced, proven technologies, a full suite of services, and exceptional quality in dental care – all tailored to give you a healthier, happier smile.